
Lian Cheng Jue, Linked Cities
The plot follows the experiences of the protagonist, Di Yun, a simple young peasant from Xiangxi. He lives in the countryside for several years together with his martial arts master, Qi Zhangfa, and Qi's daughter, Qi Fang, who is his childhood sweetheart. One day, the three of them travel to the city to attend the birthday party of Wan Zhenshan, Qi Zhangfa's senior from the same martial arts sect. Di Yun is framed for larceny and attempted rape, which results in him being arrested and imprisoned. Based on a wuxia novel by Jin Yong
Flying Fox of Snowy Mountain -  雪山飞狐
Based on Jin Yong's novel of the same name.After the Dashing King seized the capital, all the generals of the Ming dynasty surrendered and gave their wealth as tributes to save their own lives. In a few days, gold and silver piled up like a mountain. After the Dashing King retreated from the capital, he sent his trusted subordinates to hide the treasure somewhere beyond the Great Wall, intending to use it as a military fund to make his comeback.In the 45th year of Emperor Qianlong's reign (1780), three groups of people started fighting over a treasure box somewhere in Changbai Mountains. The box content did not merely revealed the location of the Dashing King's treasure hoard. It also revealed the past related to the Dashing King's four personal guards as well as the plots and grievances of several generations.Note: The Dashing King (Li Zicheng) was the Chinese rebel leader who overthrew the Ming dynasty of China in 1644. He was later forced to abandon the capital city as the Manchu Banner Armies invaded. The Dashing King himself appeared in later chapters of Jin Yong's The Deer & The Cauldron (鹿鼎记).
Set in 18th-century China during the Manchu-led Qing dynasty, the novel follows the quest of the Red Flower Society, a secret organisation aiming to overthrow the Qing government, and their entanglements with an Islamic tribe in western China. The "book" in the title refers to a Quran that was stolen from the tribe while the "sword" refers to a sword given to the protagonist, Chen Jialuo, by his first romantic interest, Huoqingtong. Historical figures such as the Qianlong Emperor, Zhaohui, Heshen, Zheng Banqiao and Fuk'anggan also make appearances or are mentioned by name in the novel. One of the female protagonists, Princess Fragrance, is loosely based on the Qianlong Emperor's Fragrant Concubine.
The Duke of Mount Deer,Royal Tramp, 鹿鼎记
C'est un playboy paresseux, sournois, vulgaire et irrévérencieux. De la maison close de Lichun à la Cité interdite, le petit sournois Wei Xiaobao a franchi toutes les étapes malgré les dangers inhérents. Il ne connaît pas les arts martiaux, mais le monde martial et la cour impériale deviennent des jouets entre ses mains. Comme le dit le proverbe : Passer les dangers étape par étape, et ramener les beautés à la maison étape par étape.
Demi Gods & Semi Devils (Phoenix Entertainment); Tian Long Ba Bu (Phoenix Entertainment)天龙八部 (凤凰娱乐); Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils; Demi Gods and Semi Devils
L'aspect éphémère de tout être humain, un millier de visages avec toutes les caractéristiques, des sentiments complexes et des humains qui ne sont pas humains. Le Prince Duan Yu, a fui sa maison plusieurs fois, et va embrasser un grand tournant dans sa vie. En voyant la plus belle des femmes, il l'appelle effrontément la " sœur féérique "!